Outcome: People work together in a productive, open and supportive way

Effective Indicators


Band E2




Band E1



Band D

You promote diversity and fair treatment for everyone.  You are open, honest and polite in dealing with other people.  You answer questions readily and listen to the views and opinions of others. 

You treat information, knowledge and experience as vital assets, readily sharing and learning from others and encouraging others to do the same.

You are aware of and carry out your responsibilities in line with legislation and Departmental policies (for example, Anti-discrimination, Health and Safety).

You understand your own role and that of others in the team and work together to achieve team goals.  

You take account of the contributions, background and experience of others and are aware of how the team works together.  

You build an effective team, drawing on the diversity of others.  

You willingly accept responsibility for your own work while keeping other people informed of progress and possible problems.  

You willingly accept responsibility for delivering your own results and those of the team, keeping others informed of progress and possible problems.  

You appreciate shared team goals and work with others to achieve Departmental aims.  

You understand and can explain shared team goals and work with others to achieve Departmental aims.  


You encourage an environment where team members take responsibility for team results as well as their own results.  

You create a supportive environment in which team members take responsibility for team results as well as their own individual results.  

Ineffective Indicators

  • You are not aware of the needs and values of others.
  • You work alone, rarely involving others, which threatens the overall group or team aims.
  • You do not co-operate with other people.
  • You leave staff and colleagues to struggle
  • You blame others for your mistakes.
  • You do no more than the minimum amount of work.
  • You constantly check up on your team as you do not trust them to deliver

Outcome: People are motivated to achieve success and inspire others to do so. People develop the necessary skills and experience to perform well and continuously improve. 

Effective Indicators


Band E2




Band E1



Band D

You are committed to continuously developing your skills and those of other people.  You recognise your own limitations and learn from experience and setbacks. 

You understand your role and how what you do links to the business plan.  

You make sure that staff understand what they need to do and how this links to the business plan through setting SMART objectives.  


You set an example by working efficiently with as little supervision as possible.  

You are aware of your own leadership style.  

You are aware of and can adapt your leadership style to the situation.  

You take opportunities to develop yourself by learning from others and taking on new challenges.  

You recognise other people’s strengths and weaknesses, delegating effectively to provide suitable development opportunities.  You coach / mentor other people, encouraging them to develop broader skills.  

You acknowledge good performance by others.  You act promptly and positively to deal with inappropriate behaviour.  

You recognise and reward good individual and team performance and celebrate success.  You act promptly and positively to deal with poor performance and inappropriate behaviour.  

You ask for feedback and respond constructively to criticism.  

You monitor people’s progress and provide encouragement and constructive feedback without apportioning blame.  You ask for and act on feedback and respond constructively to criticism.  
You put forward ideas and contribute to business decisions.   You encourage ideas and involve others in making decisions.  You delegate responsibility to the right level so that others can deliver, and you know when to intervene.  


You know how and when to engage with human resources experts in tackling people issues.  

Ineffective Indicators

    • You are aloof and arrogant.
    • You intimidate colleagues and staff. 
    • You constantly change rules or conditions. 
    • You do not accept people’s differences. 
    • You keep work that should be done by your team. 
    • You are not aware of what the team is doing.  
    • You do not consider your development needs or those of other people.
    • You take sole credit for achieving results.
    • You do not meet your obligations with the performance management process.  

Outcome: People share the right information to support agreed courses of action. 

Effective Indicators


Band E2




Band E1



Band D

You provide balanced, impartial advice, presenting information and dealing with people tactfully.  You use the most appropriate method, language and style of communication for the situation and people involved.  

You check your own and other people’s information for accuracy and consistency.  

You listen, clarifying to check mutual understanding.  You take account of other people’s views when deciding what action to take.  

You present a case confidently and persuasively.  

You present a case confidently and persuasively, using the best methods for presenting to the relevant audience (including public, parliamentary and media relations).  

You speak and write clearly and accurately, and check that people understand your message.  

You speak and write clearly in a well-structured and concise way, checking that your message is understood.  

You speak and write in a well-structured, clear and concise way.  You draft accurately and concisely to persuade and inform, checking that your message is understood.  

You develop good working relationships and recognise breakdowns in communication.  

You develop good working relationships and take positive steps to deal with conflict or breakdowns in communication.  

You promote good working relationships and respond quickly to deal with conflict or breakdowns in communication.  

You negotiate with colleagues to agree day-to-day activities.  

You carry out day-to-day negotiations to agree what action to take.  

You negotiate effectively to achieve agreed courses of action with stakeholders, maintaining their buy-in.  

You stick to the point in discussions or meetings.  

You intervene in meeting and discussions when relevant and at the right time.  

You lead meetings or discussions effectively to achieve clear results and make telling contributions to move business forward.  

Ineffective Indicators

    • You talk down to to other people.
    • You do not listen.
    • You do not make yourself understood.
    • You do not make adjustments for other peoples needs.
    • You ignore all challenge or criticism and react with hostility.

Outcome: People share the right information to support agreed courses of action. 

Effective Indicators


Band E2




Band E1



Band D

You provide balanced, impartial advice, presenting information and dealing with people tactfully.  You use the most appropriate method, language and style of communication for the situation and people involved.  

You check your own and other people’s information for accuracy and consistency.  

You listen, clarifying to check mutual understanding.  You take account of other people’s views when deciding what action to take.  

You present a case confidently and persuasively.  

You present a case confidently and persuasively, using the best methods for presenting to the relevant audience (including public, parliamentary and media relations).  

You speak and write clearly and accurately, and check that people understand your message.  

You speak and write clearly in a well-structured and concise way, checking that your message is understood.  

You speak and write in a well-structured, clear and concise way.  You draft accurately and concisely to persuade and inform, checking that your message is understood.  

You develop good working relationships and recognise breakdowns in communication.  

You develop good working relationships and take positive steps to deal with conflict or breakdowns in communication.  

You promote good working relationships and respond quickly to deal with conflict or breakdowns in communication.  

You negotiate with colleagues to agree day-to-day activities.  

You carry out day-to-day negotiations to agree what action to take.  

You negotiate effectively to achieve agreed courses of action with stakeholders, maintaining their buy-in.  

You stick to the point in discussions or meetings.  

You intervene in meeting and discussions when relevant and at the right time.  

You lead meetings or discussions effectively to achieve clear results and make telling contributions to move business forward.  

Ineffective Indicators

    • You talk down to to other people.
    • You do not listen.
    • You do not make yourself understood.
    • You do not make adjustments for other peoples needs.
    • You ignore all challenge or criticism and react with hostility.

Outcome: People develop productive relationships with customers and suppliers that give value of money.  

Effective Indicators


Band E2




Band E1



Band D

You understand the need to get best value for money, being aware of and applying relevant commercial policies and processes. You get best value for money using relevant commercial policies and processes.  
You have a strong focus on customers and suppliers.   You promote a strong focus on customers and suppliers and know how to shape business processes and priorities around the customer.  
You know who your customers and suppliers are and build good working relationships with them.   You establish relationships that will get the best out of each party and optimise the distribution of risk.  
You identify ways to improve customer service.   You motivate improved performance sharpening the way business is done with a clear distinction between requirements and delivery.  
You understand customers’ and suppliers’ needs and manage expectations by explaining what is and is not possible.   You understand customers’ and suppliers; needs and explore practical solutions with them.  You manage expectations by explaining what is and is not possible.   You understand customers’ and suppliers’ needs in terms of performance, time and cost.  You plan for and put into practice alternatives and negotiate trade-offs when constraints affect delivery.  

You work effectively with different organisations to achieve common goals.   

Ineffective Indicators

    • You do not try to identify customers and suppliers.
    • You make promises that cannot be met.
    • You don't look beyond existing services.
    • You are uncooperative and unhelpful.

Outcome: People are committed to improving the business, turning visions for change into reality and adapting well to change.  

Effective Indicators


Band E2




Band E1



Band D

You make suggestions for improving working practices. You improve relevant practices and tackle issues with an open mind. You analyse practices, suggesting new or more effective methods.
You understand the need for change.   You understand the need for change and encourage and support other people to become involved in the process.   You communicate the purpose of and need for change, encouraging other people to contribute and take part in the process.  

You respond quickly, flexibly and positively to change, using it as an opportunity to learn, develop and practise new skills.  You put into practice new ways of working and exploit new technology.  



You understand how business change relates to system change.



You assess the effect of options for other people, supporting them in adapting to different ways of working.



You recognise the effect change has on stakeholders, and deal with issues promptly.



You can identify the benefits of a change.

Ineffective Indicators

    • You propose change for the sake of change.
    • You ignore new ideas and proposals without considering them.
    • You use rules for as an excuse to prevent change.
    • You will not risk exposure of uncertainty.
    • You cannot justify change.
    • You stick to outdated methods and are not willing to change
    • You do not learn from previous experiences.
    • You always see difficulties, not possibilities.

Outcome: People plan effectively and make best use of resources to deliver business results.  

Effective Indicators


Band E2




Band E1



Band D

You understand how your department is structured, where you fit in, and your role in delivering business results.

You understand, and can explain, the operation and structure of BATUK, and your own and other people’s roles in delivering business results.

You are aware of BATUK procedures and processes and how these influence business.

You understand and can explain the structure of BATUK procedures and processes and how these influence business.

You understand the need to ask for the advice of others when making decisions.

You know when to engage with other functional experts (such as Finance or HR) when making business decisions.


You understand and interpret business (including financial) data relating to your own area or work.

You understand and interpret business (including financial) data to inform decisions.


You gather and present evidence to support bids for resources.

You look for best value from resources (people, money, assets and time).

You review spending against budget and seek best value from resources (people, money, assets and time).

You use processes, information and appropriate tools to deliver business results.

You make best use of business processes, information and tools to deliver results; including seeking and acting on feedback to improve business performance and processes.

Ineffective Indicators

    • You focus on process at the expense of results.
    • You ignore people's needs.
    • You misuse resources.
    • You fail to deliver business results. 

Outcome: People use Programme and Project Management techniques and tools to do business faster, cheaper and better. 

Effective Indicators


Band E2




Band E1



Band D

You prioritise and manage your own work, using your own time, technology and resources effectively.  

You plan ahead, setting realistic targets.  

You create clear and achievable plans.  

You review progress to improve performance.  

You review progress to improve performance, understanding the purpose and use of analysis processes.  

You are aware of programme and project management techniques, including risk management.  

You understand basic programme and project management techniques including risk management.  

You understand and use programme and project management techniques, including risk management.  

You understand your role in delivering a programme or project.  

You understand how you contribute to delivering programme benefits and developing business cases.  

You understand and contribute to defining and delivering programme benefits and developing business cases.  

You are aware of the need to involve stakeholders. 

You understand the need to involve key stakeholders.  

You identify and engage with stakeholders, keeping them informed.  You regularly ask for and act on their feedback.  

You recognise the effects of decisions on other people.  

You make basic links between issues and recognise the effects of decisions on other areas.  

You identify and manage the main links and dependencies between issues.  


You engage with programme and project management experts, and in acquisition projects, procurement and commercial experts.  

Ineffective Indicators

    • Your plans are not strucured or realistic.
    • You fail to keep stakeholders informed.
    • You fail to consider risks.
    • You do not monitor and review progress.
    • You approach tasks in a disorganised way. 

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